The Central Collective

923 N. Central St. Knoxville, TN



In preparation for HERDCORE’s upcoming exhibition at The Emporium (opening reception Aug 6, 5-9pm), we are collecting reflections about YOUR experiences from March 2020-March 2021. Your responses may be included in the gallery exhibition, so please do not include anything you are not comfortable with being shared publicly (you do not have to include your name if you would like your responses to remain anonymous).

Ways to Contribute:

  1. Visit our “Processing the Pandemic” station at the Pigeon Parade + Central Collective Art and Poetry Party July 22, 6-8:30pm.

  2. Email us photos of notable moments from March 2020-March 2021. These could include your last gathering before the Stay at Home order was issued, screenshots from text messages about the pandemic, hobbies you picked up, non-pandemic related moments throughout the year, vaccination selfies, your first post-vaccination gathering or trip, etc.

  3. Answer any (or all) of the questions on the form below. Please do not enter your name if you would like your response to remain anonymous.

HERDCORE is both a blithe diversion from and somber look towards the lasting cultural effects of a global pandemic. This collaboration between Dale Mackey and Shawn Poynter vacillates between whimsical, unsettling, hopeful, and cynical, echoing the range of emotions collectively experienced during the COVID 19 pandemic.